10 Things You Learn By Working In Logistics

Managed TransportationMost people don’t dream about working in the logistics industry as a child. In fact, many people aren’t even aware of the logistics industry at all. That doesn’t change the fact that it is an important industry that accounts for nearly 8% of everything we make and sell in the United States. The logistics industry is constantly evolving, and every day presents a chance to learn something new: from new countries and territories you don’t know exist, to random transportation facts. Here is a list of 10 random facts you might learn while working in logistics:

  1. Not only is Georgia a state, it’s also a country at the intersection of Europe and Asia. The next time someone has a shipment going to Georgia, it may make sense to ask which one!
  2. France is spread across 12 different time zones, the most of any country. This is due to France maintaining several overseas territories across the globe.
  3. The Falkland Islands (a British territory) has a sheep to person ratio of 350:1. It’s no surprise that wool is a major export for the island.
  4. Air freight is four times as popular as ocean freight. It’s estimated that 9.5 billion tons of goods are shipped by sea, and 42 billion tons by air each year.
  5. There are about 15.5 million trucks in the United States, but only 3.5 million qualified truck drivers. It’s no wonder we are experiencing a capacity crunch in the industry!
  6. The word “logistics” comes from a 19th century French Word “logistique” – a word used to describe the transportation of soldiers and military supplies.
  7. The Vietnamese language has six different tones, and each small change in tone can completely change the meaning of what you are saying. Watch how you say things!
  8. Bar codes were originally created and only used as a way of keeping track of railway cars that traveled across the country. Today, they’re on just about everything.
  9. One-third of the world’s airports are located in the United States.
  10. The shortest flight in the world is from the Scottish Isle of Westray to Papa Westray. The total flight time is only about a minute and thirty seconds.

Logistics Careers Plus More for Dummies CoverWorking in logistics can be a very rewarding experience where every day seems to offer something new. If you think you know everything, try working in the logistics industry and you will soon find out that that’s not the case! And if you’re really interested in logistics or supply chain career, download a complimentary copy of our Logistics Careers Plus More For Dummies® ebook!
